Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I still cannot believe I am in Florida right now! This is the best time ever being here with Jamie, Tracy, Jimmy, Toby, and Sammy, Grandma, Grandpa, my mom(natalie), my dad (billy), and Hannah! I just wish Emily, Sean, Eva, and Oliver we miss them. Yesterday, we all went to the beach and it was the best we were 75 ft. away from the dolphins jumping!!!!!!! We collected tons and tons of shells, made sand castles, and my mom and dad saw jellyfish! Right now we are going out to breakfast because someone is here to clean the house! :) i think it might need a little cleaning up to do.......... I'll right later!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Trinity Tounment

Last Weekend we had a Trinity Tournament for basketball. We placed 4th not the best!!!! At least we played our hardest. In our game yesturday there were many injuries! Such as, skinned knees, shoulder's hurting, and bumping heads! I skinned my knee and klunked heads with another player and we both have bumps, headaches, and feel alittle dizzy! haha... it was a rough game!!!!! but we did well!  

Friday, January 16, 2009


Today the Cls Eagles have a basketball game and we are very excited because its our first home game this season! This year I'm very excited because I have a lot more playing time. I usually play guard and sometimes a post.  

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i'm soooo happy

I'm so excited right now.... I learned how to roll my tongue. I was so sad that my dad, mom and sister could all do it and i couldn't but finally I can. I'm so happy!!!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Maddie, Morgan, and Molly

Oh Joy Oh Joy the time has finally come to see my dear dear dear friends Maddie,Morgan, and Molly Fink. We have been waiting along time to see them and now we are going to go see them today to meet there new dog, Jetta who looks exactly like Cole in his younger days. We can't wait to see them!

My first Blog!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sooooooo excited about my new blog... I have never done this before, so when you read the first few they may be a little choppy.